"Dream barriers look very high until someone climbs them. They are not barriers anymore." Lasse Viren

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Leadville Trail 100 mile run

August 21-22, 2010
Leadville, CO

I have been very remiss in posting the race; needless to say I was tired. I was injured. I have a full-time job. Did I mention that I was tired? What an experience! How does one describe an such a meaningful event in one's life without falling short? I will now try to detail the race and my emotions.

But first, this race was not run by myself alone, I had the help and assistance of 15 wonderful people. These included my family, my friends, their friends, our children, their friends, our cadets and their friends! It was truly amazing having so many people there throughout the entire weekend cheering for me, running with me, making sure I had what I needed at each aid station, freezing in the middle of the night for me, making me laugh, keeping me from crying, you name it -- I could not have done this without each and every one of them. From Rick coordinating the entire crew, to Chris as Master Pacer extraordinairre, to Gloria on the side of the road in the predawn hours waving her pirate flag -- each of these people gave so much to me.

So before I bore you with race details -- here are the true gutsy people this weekend:

Rick - My wonderful husband was also my Pit Crew Boss and coordinated everything. He was the man in charge of making sure I had anything and everything I needed when I hit an aid station. The first one was a bit loud with everyone asking me questions; Rick quickly realized that and got that under control by the time I came through the next one. A true, heartfelt thank you for that job.

On top of that, he also ran the last 5 miles with me. This was the hardest pacing position for anyone -- I was injured, I was dehydrated, I hurt and he got me out of the pain-induced fog, forced me along and made sure I finished the race ... in under 30 hours by yelling at me like a drill sergeant. I swear, I've never heard him talk to me like that in our 23 years of marriage; but it worked!

Whitney - my lovely, fun, older daughter who took video of me and all the friends and family throughout the race. She believed in me and knew that I always (even after 99 miles Whitney?) save something for the finish. The one who was able to get through to me in the last 10 minutes of the race by shouting encouragements to me. "Mom! Run to the grey building!" and I ran to the grey building. "Mom! Look Up!" And I looked up and saw the finish line. That helped me to zero in on that, focus, and yup, pick up the pace.

Jessica - my lovely, sweet younger daughter who is just as crazy as her Aunt Robin. Jess relayed to Rick what I needed right before I came into an aid station using a walkie talkie. She also has such fashion sense ... just like her Aunt Robin and kept my spirits us throughout the night. Jess, you are just the best dresser! Thank you for staying up past your bedtime and wake up time and not falling asleep!

Robin - I have to follow Jess with Robin since she was the second part of the dynamic duo! I could not figure out why Whitney, Jess and Robin needed to stop at the Dollar Store before heading to Leadville, consequently making them late leaving C-Springs. It became abundantly clear during the race. Robin and Jess met me before each and every aid station all through Saturday, Saturday night and Sunday with their mode of dress getting progressively crazier and crazier! Yup, Robin may be skinny; but she's still quite a woman, and what a woman! Thanks Robin for your kooky ideas, I looked forward to each aid station once I realized what was going on!

Dad - Man. I couldn't ask for a better Dad. He trained harder than anyone else in my group for this race ... besides me. He began training almost as soon as I told him I would like him to pace me in Leadville. Dad took the horrible 4 mile stretch in the middle of the night from Treeline to Fish hatchery. More about that stretch later. Thanks Dad for driving all the way from NC to pace your daughter-in-law at Leadville.

Mom - You ran the food show and I love your peanut butter and jelly sandwiches! I saw you on my right hand side running next to me that last mile and my heart just wanted to burst. Your encouragement during the race and care with my eating was fantastic and will not be forgotten. Once again, thanks mom for driving all the way from NC to allow Dad and I to run a short little run together!

Chris - Dude! You are the Pacer King!! I love having you as a friend and mentor and I cannot say how much your wisdom has coached me these last 3 years. And now a whole group of NC people think you're pretty smart as well! Thanks for Hope Pass and always being so cheerful, except when we're in the swamp before Twin Lakes -- please, can I have a headlamp or flashlight? Is that 16 finishers now?

Diane - Thanks for coming out! I really appreciated seeing you there and I sure hope you had a great time watching Chris, F, and I do what we love!

F - My running partner and friend who, this time, said no when I asked him if he wanted to do an ultra. Thank goodness! F, you are one of my favorite running partners and I thank you for pacing me from Twin Lakes to Treeline/Powerline. I don't remember half those inclines either! Thanks for postponing Hawaii one more week!

Woody - What a guy! You are an excellent motivator and even though you may have been feeding me lines all night, you got a lot out of me and I know I could not have gotten over Sugarloaf as fast as I did with anybody else. I am so sorry that the ultra bug bit you out there. Remeber, I am pacing you next year!! Thank you for having your vacation in Colorado and having Leadville as a part of it.

Michelle - I am so sorry the ultra bug bit Woody out there! I will be apologizing to you for a long time! Michelle, I think you had the worst leg of anybody and I wish I felt better, did not hurt as much, and was in a happier state of mind when you picked me up at May Queen. Your willingness to train and run at altitude with a family and Woody as a husband, meant so much to me and I just couldn't show it then. Thank you!

Gloria & Shelby - Mom and Dad's Arkansas friends ... I think the thin air in Colorado makes us a little crazy. That's my excuse for running a 100 miles! I want to thank you both for coming out and staying up all night to watch this crazy woman run 100 miles in the woods, over mountains, in Leadville! Thank you! Gloria, when I saw you at night on the side of the road by the campsite waving our Pirate Flag, a big smile just lit up my face. Thanks for getting out before dawn to cheer me on!

Josh - I think the world of you for stopping off in Leadville on your way back to college to watch Whitney's crazy mom run Leadville. Of all the people there this weekend, you are the one who probably comes closest to knowing why I run what I run. Thanks for picking me up and pacing after Michelle. That was a thankless stretch. Also, thanks for the best finishing picture EVER!!!

Zach - My gosh Zach! Not only do you come up from the Academy to watch me run; but you bring friends!! I want to thank you for being there and for running back to the truck for my inserts while I was at the aid station with Rick yelling at you to go! go! go! First thing we did when I saw you was give you my stinky, wet shoes and you took them like a champ and stayed with us! I really appreciated you going out to meet Rick and I on the gravel road back into Leadville. Your John Deere shirt will stay with me for awhile!

There! That's the Fabulous Fifteen! I just cannot thank all of you enough for what did for me at Leadville. I tear up everytime I think of the enormity of it all... from flying out, driving out, disrupting vacation plans, to ... everything! Thank you!

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