"Dream barriers look very high until someone climbs them. They are not barriers anymore." Lasse Viren

Sunday, January 3, 2010

Section 16

January 2, 2010 / 9:00am

Section 16

7 miles

1:17 hours

Section 16 in the summer time with the guys means hiking 2+ miles up a very steep climb before having a fun run down the other side. However, lately, we've decided to run it backwards. Run the long downhill up and then turn around at the top and run the long downhill as usual. It adds a little bit to the total distance. This allows us to take advantage of the trail without slipping and sliding on the steep part. I like it. Today, I ran it better than I did the first time.

We were Jeff, Mike, Bob, Chris and myself and took off without much ado. The weather was great. The canyon leading up to the trail is always a little cooler and it is a steep run to begin with; however, with perseverance, it is survived and you pick up the trail on the right hand side.

The trail had packed snow and some ice toward the top; but overall, the conditions were not too bad for Colorado in January. The sky was clear, the valley beautiful and the temperature was not so bad, around 30's I'd say.
I got into my super slow-mo climbing gear and actually enjoyed it once I got off the cold, steep road and onto the trail. My heart rate was up but steady as I motored up to my turn point at 3.5 miles. Bob, Jeff and Mike went all the way to the saddle while I turned and waited down the hill a bit with Chris.

When the guys came back down and met up with Chris and I, it was a free for all downhill with Mike and Jeff leading Bob, myself and Chris. It took me about two miles to catch Bob and finally, with a mile left (the road), I caught Jeff and Mike as they stopped at the intersection of trail and road. Whew! What a ride down the hill! I did not go very fast at the top due to the ice; however, once past that, I could stretch my legs more and enjoyed the downhill.
A great run once again!
Today, The Leadville 100 Trail Run opened for entries --- at 10am I was officially registered! I tried for over an hour before I left to run and could not complete the process -- too many people trying to enter the various runs and bike events. Rick volunteered to continue trying for me. He did it while I was running! Am I a lucky or what?!

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