"Dream barriers look very high until someone climbs them. They are not barriers anymore." Lasse Viren

Friday, May 28, 2010

Mountain Bike and Whit

Fox Run Park
May 27, 2010
2 miles

Whitney came home from work and wanted to go mountain biking. Okay, there's a little more to the story than just that; involves never having gone mountain biking, not owning a "real" mountain bike, and borrowing my mountain bike for her first foray into the mountain biking arena.

Sure Whit! I'll run along side while you ride mine and if you have any questions, I'll be right there to answer them. So we head out after a dinner of pasta salad in which I ate two bowls and get to the park at sunset. It's a great time, not hot, few people and the trails to ourselves.

Whit gears up and hops on the bike for a quick check of the gears in the parking lot and we head into the park. She's a great student. At 20, she is almost at the point where mom is becoming smart again! I give her the wealth of my limited experience and she pulls through the entire park loop in the middle set of gears like a trooper. At the end of the loop, I ask her if she wants to take it up to my favorite outlook and she readily agrees and off we go for a little more as the light slowly fades away.

Pikes Peak is obscured by the enveloping darkness and we only rest at the top briefly before deciding to head down the trail and back to the parking lot. Whit said she did pretty well following my tracks on the way up; therefore, I take the lead on the way down again. Nothing like having a mountain bike chase you downhill to make you run fast!

One hairy section on this trail and Whit powers up the hill only to look down at the twisting descent and quickly decides to walk the bike through that part since our amount of daylight (light?) is fading rapidly.

At the parking lot, Whit runs through the gears once again while I jog around to get 2 miles in total. With that, we are high fiving and grinning from ear to ear as I load the bike back onto the car and head home.

Yes, another great outing with my daughter!

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