"Dream barriers look very high until someone climbs them. They are not barriers anymore." Lasse Viren

Thursday, June 3, 2010

Email Update to Family and Friends

Hi All!

I know I am sending this to some who are not going to Leadville; but, I wanted to update all of you on my progress. Really, the best way to know what and how I am doing is to check out my blog. I began this last November and have just added this weekend's runs to it. Here is the address for you all: http://leadville100teri.blogspot.com/

I am running my second 50K this year year on Saturday - the Golden Gate Dirty Thirty in Black Hawk, CO. It promises to be my toughest race to date with a lot of elevation gain and frequent ups and downs. I'll let you all know how I do via the blog. I'm also camping out the night before up there ... yes, it looks like it will be an adventure for sure!

From there, I am driving up to Stanley, Idaho the following week to run the Sawtooth Relay again and on June 19 - the Mt. Evans Ascent. Yup, that's up a 14'er; however, it's a road race - 13+ miles up a mountain! I know, I know, I'm crazy ... trust me, Whit and Jess tell me that daily.

With my immediate race plans laid out, I also wanted to double check and make sure my pacers were doing okay. Nana, can you forward this to Woody and Michelle? I don't seem to have their email address or it isn't listed as Woody or Michelle!

Remember, Chris will be in charge of my pacers. He has the experience, knowledge and know how to get me to the finish. I also have asked Mike and Jeff, two runners I run with, to consider coming up and pacing as well if any of you are concerned. Tentatively I have Chris and Woody taking the two mountain passes, Michelle and Dad pacing me and I have the last section in daylight mostly open. I want the town portion reserved for Rick, Whit and Jess. Whit - you'll be carrying the camera! Jess - I'd better hear Cow Bell!! The rest of you I plan to run/walk/hobble toward at the finish!

It will be a great experience in either case, no matter what role is taken. This is a huge undertaking for me and I want all to enjoy it; yet, I also want you to, and need you to, push me to my utmost limit, and then push me past it. I'm pretty good at pushing myself; however, after 50 miles on my own, I'll be relying on you to not let me rest, not let me use excuses (please Chris, don't squeeze the back of my knees like you did Justin!) and to help me meet my goal.

Those of you who do come to Leadville are all important in one way or another. Nana will be in charge of clothes and reapplying sunscreen. Rick is my main gear man and food man. Whit is the videographer and camera guru; Jess is in charge of the cold, wet towels and cow bells as well as the lookout at aidstations for me and then texting or calling my presence into dad (Your cowbell will let me know I am close to family, refreshments and an aid station!). The rest of you will be the ones carrying all the gear, shining the flashlight ahead of me on the trail in the middle of the night, forcing food and water in me and cajoling me into running whenever possible. If all goes as planned, I hope not to get sick, not to have diarrhea, hope to pee often, and hopefully eat along the way. I'm not going to be pretty, I will have no shame, and most likely, some of you will see a side of me you've never seen before. Ask Shannon how I am after running 20 miles into the wind at Indy!

So, there it is ... about 2.5 months out and doing strong! Love to all of you in various ways!


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