"Dream barriers look very high until someone climbs them. They are not barriers anymore." Lasse Viren

Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Rampart Reservoir

Rampart Reservoir
June 30, 2010
14.05 miles
11:39 min/mile

Tracey and I finally got together to run. We haven't run together in awhile; well, that's not exactly true, we did run the Mt. Evans Ascent road race together less than two weeks ago. But then again, we didn't really run together then; since she was way ahead of me the whole time!

However, today, it was a slow day for both of us and we were able to run together. We chose the lovely loop around Rampart Reservoir up behind Pikes Peak for our jaunt. Rampart Reservoir has a great mountain bike trail all around it that is rated moderate in difficulty with an average finish time for mountain bikers of 2 hours 42 minutes. Take a look at what Tracey and I ran it in and you'll see how great a trail runner Tracey is!

This trail has some Pikes Peak granite, some running through Aspen, and a lot of soft trails through the pines. It is almost all single track at an elevation of 9000+. All in all, an excellent trail for a run!
We started at the trailhead off the dirt road leading up to Eagle Lake Camp and ran to the reservoir. Once there, we began the loop running clockwise. By running the reservoir clockwise, you get most of the long fingers of the reservoir out of the way first before crossing the dam. Plus, the sun hits that side more strongly than the other side of the reservoir in the moring.

Tracey also brought her dog, Georgie, who is an excellent running dog this morning. Georgie likes to take the lead and then double back to make sure Tracey is following along. Therefore, Georgie led us with Tracey next with me bringing up the rear.

This morning's run was fantastic. I filled Tracey in on my new job in Casper, Wyoming, she talked about her training with the Incline Club and we both shared our hopes and dreams for the third week of August. Tracey is doing the Pikes Peak marathon on the same weekend I'm running Leadville. The weather was nice, little wind and sunny skies with the views of Pikes Peak from the reservoir absolutely gorgeous.

At the ten mile point, Tracey said it was time for me to start getting fast. Ha! I told her I don't speed up, I just continue running! Tracey has the speed and a phenomenal ability to run uphill. I kept up with when I could; when I could not, I power hiked the inclines. I need to power hike anyway for Leadville.
Once we reached the trail back to the car and had completely circumnavigated the reservoir, I took the lead and power hiked up the dirt road. This was excellent training for me and I told Tracey this was just like the road going into Winfield and the half-way point of Leadville.

Once back at the car, we stretched, and finished any water we had left in our camelbacks. What a great run with a good friend.

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