"Dream barriers look very high until someone climbs them. They are not barriers anymore." Lasse Viren

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Santa Fe again!

Santa Fe up
March 3, 2010
4.1 miles
40:39 minutes

Yes, a very short run today and a not-so-hot run at that. I wanted twice as much; however, my desk, schoolwork, daughter all called to me and I got sucked into the vacuum. Whit, you're not a vacuum, you were a welcomed diversion!

A very late night last night and fatigued today; but beautiful weather and how does one not take advantage of that?!

I started at Hwy 105 and thought I would run up to Palmer Lake and back down. Ha! About 1.25 miles up the trail, I turned. I couldn't take the ice/snow/slush mix anymore. It was miserable and where the trail was clear, it was sole-sucking mud.

Therefore, I ran back down, past my car and into Monument. Turned, ran back up the trail past my car and turned. Finally, after 4 miles, I said enough! As I went to my car I passed another runner and she told me she did the same as me - turned before Palmer Lake because of the trail conditions.

A friend of mine asked me today if I would fore go the rotten trail and do track work! In the immortal words of Bugs Bunny, "He don't know me very well, do he?" Yeah, I'll be all over that in a heartbeat. No, I do not like track work. Yes, I know all about the benefits. Yes, I will do track work with others when absolutely necessary - slushy trail conditions does not make track work necessary. And I use the treadmill only when injured and I cannot get out. I've run in hail, rain, snow, ice, etc.; so it isn't very often I cannot get out.

So, there you have it - a trash run today. Good news though -- oh, my! The temperatures were in the mid-40's and I got to wear a T-shirt and shorts!! So, there's my silver lining for today.

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