"Dream barriers look very high until someone climbs them. They are not barriers anymore." Lasse Viren

Sunday, April 18, 2010

Greenland - Again!

April 18, 2010
Greenland Open Space
21.16 miles
4 hours
11:20 min/mile

Last long run before the May 1 50K. I decided to do three loops out here to see how it would be during the race which will actually be 4 loops. Great weather for a change out here - little wind!! The temperature was a little warm (60ish) when I started; however, the wind did pick up a swirl a bit - nothing compared to the last three weeks - and cooled it down just fine for me.

I decided to mimic the race the best I could and headed out from the north trailhead. Going down the dirt road, a runner pulled beside me. He said his name was Andy and he was going to run the 25K on May 1st. He asked me how many loops I was doing today and I told him 3, "Man, I'm just doing two."

After a few more pleasantries, I told him he could go on ahead since I knew I was going to be much slower. He took off and never looked back. Thank goodness he did not lap me!

The trails today were the best they have been for weeks and I just loved my first loop. The trails were leveled and and humps were created for mountain bikes on the trails. However, there were a lot of horses out today and their hooves pitted the wonderful trail so that my second and third loops were not as flat as the first. I don't mind though, the daughter of a Kentucky horse trainer never minds a few hoof prints, a creaky saddle, or the smell of horse. I will admit to being jealous though!

In addition, today was the first day I think I finally got the trail right for the race. It's about time I figured it out - only my fourth time out here this spring!

Beginning my third loop, another runner passed me and never looked back. I just didn't have fresh enough legs to even attempt to hang with him.

At the end of the third loop, I headed back to the trailhead and decided that the 21 miles I would end with was just fine instead of the 24 I planned to run.

Stopping at my car, I noticed the runner who passed me on the final loop was next to me in his truck. He introduced himself as Tim and we compared notes. He did two loops and plans to do three next week before doing the 50K on May 1st. He said he just started running last year and completed his first marathon in December. Wow, I told him it took me half a dozen marathons to gear up for ultras.

It was really nice today, meeting people who will be running the same race I am and talking to them about their training and plans.

After the run today, I actually still had enough energy to rake pine needles. I believe this is due to my running 20+ mile runs the last three weeks - my body is getting used to the distance. Yeah!! This is good and I plan to bump up that tolerance to 25-30 miles before Leadville if I can.

I also registered for another 50K in June ... yes, I'm certifiable, I know.

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