"Dream barriers look very high until someone climbs them. They are not barriers anymore." Lasse Viren

Saturday, July 31, 2010

Elk Park, Part Duex

Elk Park
July 31, 2010
11.01 miles
13:36 min/mile

Bob and Felix are taking care of me. Bob sent an email out earlier this week to inform all that, "in an effort to aid Teri in her training," they would be running Pikes Peak from Elk Park to Barr Camp and then maybe add a bit more in. Thanks guys! I truly would not have hit this particular trail again without them to pull my sorry bones along.

After we all met up, Dano, Bob, Felix, and Justin (yeah! back from his deployment) and I were in Felix's vehicle heading up the Pikes Peak highway to the trailhead. Dano keeps apologizing for being the "slug" since he's only running a half marathon! Ha! Only! I love it when 13 miles is just a little thing and no big deal. Did I mention that he's running it at altitude in Aspen? Yeah man, if you're only going to do 13 miles, then at least make it count!

Justin isn't running any races; however, he is all set to go to Special Forces training ... wow. I truly run with a gifted bunch of guys.

So here I am, once again at Elk Park but this time with compadres and hope that it won't be as bad as it was when I hit it by myself earlier in my training.

On the way down toward Barr Camp, I am not in the lead; I am deliberately pacing myself and holding back for the long slog back up the trail from 10,200' to almost 12,000' - the return portion from Barr Camp.

Dano is behind me for a short bit before he actually takes the lead and sets a blistering pace for me. However, before he does that, he asks me what my goal pace for Leadville will be. Gee Dano, I've got like five different goal paces: I'd like to do less than a 25min/mile pace up the mountains; a 16 min/mile pace on the return when I'm tired and can't think; a 10min/mile pace on the way out when I'm fresh and can run downhill and hope I don't go too much faster than that; and a 13min/mile pace on the way back when I hit downhill sections. Oh. Yeah, I've been paying attention to what my pace has been here and there a bit.

The way down the trail is gorgeous and you never really get a sense of how much elevation you are losing or how steep sections of this trail are until you head back up it. But for now, it's great and the conditions are wonderful. Rain throughout the week has left gaping channels in portions of the trail; but, for the most part, wonderfully soft, spongy trail meets our feet as we descend to Barr Camp.

Once there, I greet Teresa talk to her a little about her husband's latest feat - Hardrock ... again, and use the facilities before sitting down a minute. Debate about the weather is the topic. We initially wanted to go up the Barr Trail a bit and come back down before heading back up to Elk Park; however, the weather has taken an iffy turn and we all decide 11 miles today will be enough. With that, we adjust our camelbacks, fuel belts and water bottles and begin the slog up the trail.

The "slog" is not as bad as it was the first time for me. I'm actually enjoying it and running more of it than I thought possible. It helps that I'm rested and have relatively fresh legs, whereas Felix really had a bad week. As we continue to climb up, the cloud cover drops lower and lower and our decision to head up Elk Park is quickly proving to be a sound choice.

After the steepest section of the trail, we hit the treeline and the exposed last portion of the trail along the side of the mountain which is about 1.5-2 miles. Dano is in front of me with Bob dropping back to run with Felix and Justin. Dano is having problems with one of his legs and, me being me as the guys would say, quickly take advantage of that and pass him. Now I'm in the lead going up the trail. This is a position I am not used to; usually they are chasing me down the hill, not following me up the hill. With the knowledge of what a great climber Bob is, I power up this section and worry about him catching me like I'm standing still. At one point, I turn around and look behind me and what a sight to behold!

As I turn, I see Bob, Felix and Justin emerging from the cloud bank that is now blanketing the side of the mountain -- oh my! This is one of those zen moments never to be forgotten -- it is absolutely gorgeous and I thank my lucky stars I turned in time to see it. I quickly tell Dano to turn around and he catches a glimpse of it as well. Another instance of how lucky I am to be running on trails in the Rocky Mountains.

Bob never catches me and I crest the trailhead and jog up and down the dirt road to get a full 11 miles in as the rest of the guys make their way to the vehicle. No Chris miles for me! What a great morning and I am absolutely surprised at how well I tackled that run!

Bagels and coffee await as well as the wonderful post run camaraderie we all relish.

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