"Dream barriers look very high until someone climbs them. They are not barriers anymore." Lasse Viren

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Running and Resolutions

January 4, 2011
Fitness One Treadmill
33 minutes
3.3 miles
10 min/mile pace

Yes, another cold, windy night in Casper and hence, another warm, easy run on a treadmill.  I am trying to get back into the swing of things and get my weekly base running back to where it needs to be. With that in mind, the treadmill is fine for now.  I'll add the weight-training to it soon.  So, I hop on the machine and let my mind wander and that brings to me to my New Year's Resolutions. 

Yes, I make resolutions each year.  And yes, I do try to keep them.  I usually only make three and go with that.  How successful am I?  Let's see, last year's resolutions were to run more, incorporate weight training into running, and be nicer to people.  Of those, I know I kept one -- I ran more.  I tried to incorporate weight training into my running but only made it to the base gym twice, or was it three times?  And I really tried to be nicer to people and I think I was successful with that ... right up until August (whew! tapering for Leadville took its toll on me) and then I had another dip in December, holidays, right?

What are my New Year's resolutions this year?  Well, I resolve to drink less caffeine, incorporate weight training into my running, and to eat more healthy.  Yup, weight training is in there again and this time, I think I might be a little more successful with it since I am now a member of an actual gym!  Yeah, I caved and I now pay $29.95 a month to run in comfort and to use those modern metal torture machines.  I even had an introductory lesson on how to use them -- two months ago.  Have I used them since?  Um, well, no. 

However, I will do it this year!  I'm paying good money each month for my membership and I refuse to not get my money's worth.  I will use those machines and I know that will make me stronger, at least that is what Nietzsche promises, if it doesn't kill me. 

As for the less caffeine -- I must still have my coffee in the morning.  How in the world can I function without it?  But, I am buying caffeine free diet Pepsi.  I just can't cut out my colored, flavored, sweetner-infused carbonated water just yet.  One thing at a time, please.  And, I mix my real "leaded" coffee with decaffeinated "unleaded" coffee.  I've done that for years, I am now making it more unleaded than leaded. 

So, for the third resolution - to eat more healthy.  I have not bought a single bag of potato chips ... yet.  I'm on day 4 and so far, so good!  Also, twice, I've only ordered the fish sandwich or hamburger -- did not get the meal deal.  That's really, really good for me.  What else?  I'm trying to cut back on my after work, after running, sitting on the sofa watching TV until the wee hours of the night snacking.  That is a difficult thing for me to do, it truly is; but I will persevere!

Check up on me in June and see how I'm doing on these resolutions!  But right now, it's time to get off the treadmill, go home ... and not eat all the pretzels or trail mix or popcorn in the house before going to bed! 

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